Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Luca Hofmann
I am a freelance software developer with a focus on Android- and Web-Applications. I started to write small programs with about 14 years on my Commodore 64. A few years later I decided to study computer science to become a professional software developer.
Today I am writing software using Java and JavaScript and I also have knowledge in other languages like C#, python, GLSL and C++.
I work with technologies that help me find solutions for my needs like Android SDK, AngularJS, WebGL, Unity3D, .Net, OpenGL ES, libGDX, nodeJS and others. Of cause I am using developer tools like git and jira etc. If you worked with many different technologies it is easier to understand another.
I always try to find easy solutions to reduce complexity and write well structured, solid software with a focus on code quality. These points are important to take responsibility of the work that I do.
You can find me at xing, linkedin and gulp or simply write me a mail HofmannLuca@gmail.com. If you are interested in the projects that I have done please take a look at my project page.
Freelancer (Software Developer)
Time: 02/2015 - today
A free 'match-three' game for Android and iOS.
(Java, libGDX, OpenGL, in-app-payment, analytics, bug-tracking, marketing) -
A surgery trainer Android app for dentists.
(Java, Android SDK) -
Pioneer Skies
A 3D racing game for Android and iOS.
(Java, libGDX, OpenGL, procedural generation, marketing) - (amongst others)
Software-Developer (Android/Java)
Time: 02/2013 - 01/2015
At: InnoGames-
Tribal Wars 2 App
The Android version of Tribal Wars 2 is a game with an intensive use of client/server communication, complex UI elements, in-app payment, analytics, push notifications etc. I worked on many parts of the project like the development of a UI framework on top of the Android SDK and the communication and synchronization with the game servers. Beside that I worked on developer tools to make the game compatible with many devices. The app has millions of downloads today (Google Play Store).
Tribal Wars 2 App
Frontend-Developer (Web/JavaScript/AngularJS)
Time: 08/2012 - 02/2013
At: InnoGames-
Project: tribalwars2.com
The web version of Tribal Wars 2 is a browser game based on HTML5, JavaScript and AngularJS. I worked on the integration of AngularJS into the project and the client/server communication based on SocketIO and NodeJS. The game has millions of registered users worldwide.
Project: tribalwars2.com
Informatik, Diplom (FH)
Time: until 2012
Completed academic degree in computer science.
At: FH Gießen (it was renamed to 'THM')
Specialization: computer graphics
Hello World
1983 born in Gießen, Germany